If you follow my work at all on Facebook you probably already know that I’ve been shooting again with my Holga and going through old Holga negatives. It amazes me how many images I’ve found that for one reason or another I’ve missed or not had the time to play with at the time then forgotten. A Holga is such a wonderful little camera and gives me that feeling of magic that sometimes can be lost when working with a digital camera and Photoshop.
If you know me you know how much I hate the summer season but at lease there’s So You Think You Can Dance to look forward to each year. Last season was a bit of a disappointment to be honest but with the return of Mia Michaels and a several of past favorites this season should be full of freshness and energy. Since I was a little kid dance has had a unique draw for me that I have difficulty putting into words. The ability to have such complete control of one’s body and to use the ability to express creatively is powerful for me to watch in large part because of my physical limitations. Blah, now I just sound like I’m feeling sorry for myself when in truth I’ve never failed to appreciate how fortunate I am to have such mild CP and for it to only minimally effect my everyday life.
- daniel brock
Love You!!!